Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Little Bit of Bleach Goes A Long Way; or How to Salvage Laundry Mistakes

Normally, I love doing laundry. Other than cooking, its my favorite household-y thing to do. Unfortunately now that my job's started I have neither the time or inclination to start doing chores after I get home from work. But with the dirty clothes pile threatening an avalanche that could potentially overtake my entire room, last night I finally threw everything in the wash, dumped in some kind of cleaner, set the timer to...something and called it a day. 

Well, that mystery cleaner wasn't fabric softener, it was bleach.

Most of the casualties were old t-shirts or things that were already white and could stand some deep cleaning anyhow. But my absolute favorite, super soft, sky blue J.Crew vneck was in there...and it came out with a huge white spot. 

I was more upset about this than I should have been. But after I decided I wasn't going to throw it away, I came up with a semi-acceptable rescue plan: spill bleach over ALL of it and make it look intentional. 

And it actually looks okay now. Kind of like cloud print tissue paper. So, if for some reason you do something equally stupid and ruin a favorite article of clothing, soak a rag in bleach and then drip it in an interesting pattern on the aforementioned garment and see what happens. 

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