Saturday, June 18, 2011

naturally, children of the nineties were the original hipsters.

working on my father's day present sent me through dozens of albums of old family photos. a common theme emerged: my sister and I saying things like "oh, that's cute!" or "where did that go?", sometimes about my mom's clothes but more often than not about our own. which brings me to my point: if you were born in the late eighties or early nineties, being a hipster is simply a throwback to your childhood. (Hipster characteristics drawn largely from the blog
Being into vintage stuff (buttons, in this case).

Being up on current issues (extra points for reading foreign newspapers).

Ironic shades.

Taking posed-to-look-candid shots of someone looking off into the sunset.

Playing obscure instruments. ("It's a Cool Whip drum kit, you probably haven't heard of it.")

Ugly sweaters.

Styled-to-look-thrift-shop outfits.

Fixed gear bicycles. 
and finally....

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