Wednesday, July 20, 2011

{getting splendid post}

i love getting mail. when i was little i used to sit out after school and wait for the mail truck to come, hoping one of my pen pals had written me. i still write people letters, too. And postcards that take months to get halfway across the country. (What is up with the mail nowadays? I sent a letter to Israel--granted, fairly far--and it took four weeks to get there)
i also love surprises. and so it made my day yesterday to come home and find a package from my lovely friend Su, in which she had enclosed these cool tshirts she had gotten at her internship (i think). 
(I don't know what "The Send" is, though. Is it like...a gift? a "God"send? A demand? A band? I could just Google it, but I think I'm going to make up my own story.)
So, I was already pretty psyched about the whole getting-completely-unexpected-gifts in the mail. And then today, it happened AGAIN! 
My grandpa is a wonderful man in many respects, keeping track of dates and time is not one of them. I've gotten three "Happy sixteenth birthday!" cards from him. Usually what happens is whenever we're in Santa Barbara he'll just get us our birthday/Christmas/graduation presents there in one fell swoop. We didn't really do much shopping this trip, but I guess he remembered me pointing out this:
because it arrived in the mail today :) 
Other good things:
I'm going to Savannah this weekend with two beautiful amazing girls and it shall be wonderful.
Only two more days until I have another week off! (never have I been so grateful for out of state youth softball tournaments)

Sidebar: I didn't realize how many people read all. One of my friends was telling me that like six people at her work read this, and I've never even met them! I was under the impression that about two people read this, because I think that's how many people 'follow' me. (However, you, dear reader, are welcome to 'follow' doesn't do anything fancy, I believe it just sends you an email when I post and also lets me know who's reading this. Plus then I can give you little shoutouts. Always fun.)

Listening to: Dream a Little Dream of Me--Cass Elliot

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